At Financial Freedom, we know that money isn’t everything. It’s your dreams and life goals that really matter.
Dedicated to Your Financial Independence
That’s why we don’t just focus on numbers and investments. Instead, we take a long-term, big-picture view to help you get on the path to the life you really want. This involves substantial attention to financial planning, to ensure that all aspects of your life are in order and you’re moving towards your ultimate goals.
On Your Side
As registered investment advisors, we act as your fiduciary. This means we are always obligated to place your best interests first. Your success is our success.
Additionally, Financial Freedom’s unique retainer-based fee structure keeps our interests aligned with yours. Instead of an asset-based fee schedule that often results with attention being focused on your investments, our fee structure keeps us focused on financial planning as well. So you don’t just quest to reach a certain “number”….more importantly, we help you focus on reaching your dream lifestyle.
As a completely independent, FEE-ONLY firm, we are free of the conflicts of interest so common in financial services. So you can rely on us to give you advice that’s simply in your best interests.
An All-Certified Financial Planner™ Team
Planning for financial freedom takes work and mistakes can hinder your progress. You need the best.

We See the Bigger Picture
At Financial Freedom, we make a great effort to see the whole picture. What makes you who you are? What are your major goals in life? What are your greatest fears when it comes to wealth management? Once we have an excellent sense of your personal and professional goals, we create a tailored plan to help meet your needs. Life is about more than money.
Accountable to You
We’re here to help you achieve big goals, To do that you’ll need to stay accountable to the goals you set for yourself. So we’ll spend a lot of time tracking your progress and revising your plan when the inevitable obstacles arise.
As a firm committed to transparency, we also expect you to hold us accountable To help you do that, we provide you with an annual performance package. This package recaps the comprehensive financial planning we have provided to you during the year. Additionally, we compare your actual portfolio returns to appropriate industry benchmarks. This performance package helps you clearly see how we’re adding value to your progress.
Personal Attention by the Owners
At many firms, the experienced principals sell you on the benefits of the firm, then turn you over to newer associates to handle your work. At Financial Freedom, that won’t happen. Instead, you will interact with the owners personally.
Our father-son duo has combined experience of more than 45 years with substantial educational qualifications. Want to know more about us? You can read more about our team or talk with our current clients to get a sense for our work ethic and commitment to client success.
Our Relationship with Fidelity Investments
As a FEE-ONLYinvestment advisor, we don’t physically hold or take custody of your money. Instead, your money is held by a custodian that is in the business of safeguarding investor money. This provides an important additional layer of protection and reporting for your money.
Financial Freedom uses Fidelity Investments as custodian of your assets. Fidelity offers a wonderfully open platform that allows us to implement our FEE-ONLY approach with ease. Their platform also allows us to buy almost any investment available, not just Fidelity funds. In fact, our clients normally own more non-Fidelity funds than Fidelity funds.
As a client, you’ll have your own individual Fidelity account. As we manage your assets, we will always seek your approval PRIOR TO making any changes to your portfolio.
You’ll also enjoy all the user-friendly features of Fidelity’s technology platform.
Financial Planning for Your Children
Along with helping you, we’re happy to provide guidance and assistance to your kids as they become teenagers and beyond. We have found interaction with a financial planner to be an important ingredient in helping children (younger or older) become financially responsible adults. We provide this financial planning guidance to our client’s children at no additional fee.